Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Solar Energy Storage

After more than 3 months of absence Solar Technology Stocks Blog returns!

Let's hope I've got enough time to update it daily from now on.

The industry keeps evolving, growing and even after the recent Bear rally in the markets, the Solar Industry seems to be gaining a lot of strength in these last weeks.
Of course the soaring Crude Oil prices are helping but there is still a lot of promise for the next months.

Now for some recent news:

New Ways to Store Solar Energy for Nighttime and Cloudy Days
Solar power, the holy grail of renewable energy, has always faced the problem of how to store the energy captured from the sun’s rays so that demand for electricity can be met at night or whenever the sun is not shining.
The difficulty is that electricity is hard to store. Batteries are not up to efficiently storing energy on a large scale. A different approach being tried by the solar power industry could eliminate the problem.

Keep reading here:

New Ways to Store Solar Energy

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